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Our History

In 1978, nine members of the Lincoln Royal Naval Association who were ex-submariners (Some are pictured above) decided to get together and approach the National Submarine Old Comrades Association to see if they could be accepted as a new Branch. After meeting all the necessary requirements the Lincoln SOCA Branch was formed with the following officers and members:

Chairman: Vic Preece
Secretary: Brian Smart
Treasurer: John Horton
Members: Mario Aloe, Ken Coupland, Mick Goodwin, Frank Hopkins, Alex Last, Arthur Overton

It then became known that a Lincolnshire landowner, Adrian Massingberd-Mumby, who managed his 3600 acre estate of tenant farms at Grimsby Hall, Louth, had served in Submarines from 1947 to 1954. The Branch wrote and asked if he would agree to become their President - he accepted, and we were very honoured to have such a distinguished person at the head of the Branch.

In 1979 the Branch asked, and was accepted, to run the SOCA National Draw at the Lincoln RNA Club. This was a big success with the Lincoln Civic Party and the local MP (Kenneth Carlisle) attending the social evening and performing the actual draw. In the next five years, the Branch worked hard with small numbers and during this period was very much indebted to the President who, with annual donations, kindly kept the finances on an even keel.

A visit was made to Faslane in 1984 for one of their well-organised weekends, which six members attended. By this time, the number of branch members had risen to 12. In 1988 (and still under the same Presidency) the Branch officers were John Horton (Chairman), Trevor Shaw (Secretary) and Mike Taylor (Treasurer). At this time, it was proposed that the Branch should make an effort to purchase its own Standard and due to a wonderful gesture from one member (Wally Brakewell) who offered to cover the cost, it was obtained. A service of dedication took place at St Faith's and St Martin's Church in Lincoln on 16th April 1989 and was attended by a group of members from the Hull Branch (with Standard), as well as other Service Standards and a Guard of Honour from the local Sea Cadet Corps, TS WRANGLER. Since then our Standard has been paraded regularly with all the other Service Standards at special occasions, most of which take place in and around the Cathedral. It has also been paraded at special National SOCA and Submarine Association events whenever possible.

During the next few years the membership increased to 18 with members from a 45 mile radius including Sleaford, Boston, Grimsby and Grantham. In the middle of the 1990s by invitation from the Plymouth Branch, a visit was made by a combined group of members of the Lincoln and Hull Branches to Devonport for an organised weekend, which included a visit to Submarine HMS OPOSSUM. In 1998, a visit was made to Faslane for a weekend, shared with the Sunderland Branch, the highlight being a visit to Submarine HMS VANGUARD - as well as the social events!

In 1999, the President, having served for 21 years, decided (regretfully) to stand down following hip surgery.

When the centenary year of the Submarine Service was reached in 2001 a concerted recruiting campaign was launched and the membership increased to 26. In April 200I, over a five day period, a 20-foot long model submarine was successfully pushed from Lincoln to the Imperial War Museum in London by a combined team from the Lincoln Branch and the Air Warfare Section of RAF Waddington (where the model was built). This not only commemorated the centenary event but also raised £3,000 for Leukaemia Research.

At this point, because of increased membership, the Branch decided to re-elect a President and they asked the Chairman/Secretary, Trevor Shaw, if he would accept the position. He accepted and was duly elected. It was at this time that Rick Elrick returned to the area and once again became a branch member; we have been very proud of the contribution he has made on becoming the National Treasurer of the Submariners Association in addition to all the work he has put into the successful running of the Branch.

In the last few years the branch membership have enjoyed, a visit to Faslane for the weekend, held many Christmas functions at various locations, hosted the SA national draw at the RNA Club, enjoyed a social get together with the Hull Branch [for a dinner time session + sods opera] and much more.

A list of members can be found on this web site The current committee consists of the following officers:
Chairman: Sandy Powell
Secretary: Ade Green
Treasurer: Ade Green
Social: Dave Bussey

The Submariners Association, Lincoln Branch, Copyright 2025